At Linthwaite Clough our music curriculum intends to nurture creativity, self – expression and a life-long love of music. We will ignite a passion for music by exposing children to music from around the world and across generations, teaching children to appreciate and respect the music of all communities and their traditions.
Children will find their voice as musicians, developing their skills in singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing music, listening, and responding to music. By exposing children to the music of the world, through oral and written components, children develop an understanding of the historical and cultural context of the music. Our music curriculum will develop children’s speaking and listening skills, leadership and collaborative skills, self- discipline and ambition, creative thinking, problem solving, presentation and performance skills. It is these vital skills our music curriculum intends to equip children with. Thus, supporting them throughout their education and beyond.
The Federation aims to expose children to a variety of genres, artists, musical instruments, both live and recorded, creating opportunities for practice, composition, and performance. We intend to broaden the experiences for the children by exposing them to the worldwide community of music, by providing opportunities for children to engage and enjoy musical experiences that deepen their respect and appreciation for music whilst building confident and creative musicians.
Across the federation music is delivered through use of the Charanga scheme of work. This scheme has been carefully selected due to it’s engaging way of delivering the requirements of the National Curriculum. Teachers follow the Charanga scheme and make adaptations so suit their cohort. Each half term sees a new unit and each unit progresses throughout the year, ensuring children develop their skills, confidence and knowledge within music ensuring children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate. The lessons are broken down into the following:
- Listen and Appraise
- Musicianship (finding the pulse, rhythm, call and respond, vocals)
- Singing and Voice
- Playing instruments
- Improvisation/ Composition
- Perform and Share
Music is at the heart of Linthwaite Clough, with the children provided opportunities for deepening their musical knowledge and enjoyment through a variety of opportunities. Christmas and end of year Performances, singing and performances through Choir, KS1 weekly singing assemblies. Children are also provided opportunities through CCL to work with professionals through Dance and Drumming as well as learning a new instrument through Kirkless Council. Children are provided opportunity to share, collaborate and enjoy their musicianship and gain the skills necessary to embrace and appreciate a wide range of music in all it’s forms.