Across our Federation we aim for our children to know about, and be respectful of, the potential and risks of new technologies with a desire and determination to learn and apply their learning.
We understand that Computing, in general, is at the forefront of everyone’s lives. Through their study of computing, the children will acquire fundamental and transferable skills and knowledge, which they will use not only within computing lessons but across other areas of the curriculum.
Children will be able to effectively communicate their understanding, enabling them to work cooperatively with their peers and will become independent learners taking responsibility for their learning.
With continued support throughout the school, children will learn to use skills taught to them to become responsible, competent, confident and creative participants of an increasingly digital world. While also developing resilience when dealing with challenging concepts, which can be applied to other aspects of life.
Pupils will participate safely, thoughtfully and effectively in the digital world at home and beyond their primary school education. We intend that children should master Computing to such an extent that they can go on to have careers within Computing and make use of Computing effectively in their everyday lives.
Computing is taught both as a stand-alone subject and through a range of cross-curricular projects designed to enable children to develop skills across all strands within the computing curriculum: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital literacy.
Computer Science: Children will learn how to create and use algorithms (instructions) both online and offline to control digital devices (such as Beebots). They will also become more familiar with, understand and develop the resilience of debugging and logical reasoning.
Information Technology – Software: Children will be given the opportunity to learn how to use technologies, beginning with mouse and keyboard skills, and the uses of a touch screen. As children progress through school, they will be shown and become familiar with different software such as Microsoft Office, Paint, Revelation Art, Scratch etc.
Information Technology – Uses: Children will learn about the uses of technology in and out of school, leading to an understanding of networks, the internet, and methods of communication.
Digital Literacy: Children will be taught how to use search technologies effectively. All learning in Computing is underpinned by an understanding of e-Safety through an Online Safety curriculum linked to the PSHEE curriculum. Pupils will learn whether information can be trusted and the responsibility of ensuring what they share is accurate and trustworthy.
As children progress through school, they will revisit computing knowledge to ensure that learning is embedded, and skills are successfully developed.
Practitioners aim to ensure that skills build on those that have been attained in previous years to consolidate and build on them as they move through school.
Children will understand and appreciate the value of Computing in the context of their personal wellbeing and the technological, creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities.
The computing curriculum taught enables children to see that technology can be used creatively within all areas of learning. Children are expected to understand the importance that computing and digital technology have in their future outside of the classroom. Children will have knowledge of how to communicate online and keep themselves safe while doing so. On completion of each project, teachers will assess children against the National Curriculum Objectives.
The Computing curriculum will contribute to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. This would be seen in them being able to talk confidently about their work and sharing their work with others. Progress will be shown through outcomes and tracked assessments made by staff (on Integris).